Monday, March 30, 2009

Pyramid Marketing Scams

Since I've been looking for work now for six months...

...God bless our new president and his unemployment extensions and $25 a week raise for those of us legitimately looking for work.

In the course of my desperate search, I have come across more and more of the pyramid marketing scams... a.k.a. multi-level marketing, where one person is paid commission to recruit others who pay fees to become "associates" for the company... and so on.
If you are one of the "chosen ones" you are made to market nothing more than the scheme (read "scam") that you got sucked into in the first place. Commissions are paid to you for everyone you enroll, but they are also paid to whoever enrolled you, and whoever enrolled them and so on and so on. These types of schemes are illegal in some places and just a huge waste of your time and money.
If what the company does... i.e. what product or service they offer... is not made apparent in their job posting... It's likely a multi-level scam.

Case in point:
Fortune 500 clients outsource (enter impressive company name here: i.e. Corporate Marketing Solutions, etc.) to help improve their existing customer retention, new customer acquisition and increase their market share. We provide the professional people to represent our clients and the services in which they can provide. Therefore, we cross train candidates in sales and marketing, training, finance and administration. This cross training allows candidates to advance within the company to a senior role within 12 months.

Arighty then. I know you are asking yourself, "Self, wtf was that?" Any clue what they do? Me either. It's a pyramid scam. Avoid it like a truckload of teenagers at Sonic.

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